Fair Share Opportunities:

Koka Booth:

This year we will be partnering with Koka Booth Amphitheater. Participants will have the opportunity to work some big events selling beer/wine/snacks at Koka Booth to earn money for their band student(s).

Money earned by working events at Koka Booth can off-set your student’s fair-share and/or trip costs.

Here’s some information to know before you sign up:

1.Sign up for Beer/Wine Kiosks, Pepsi Grab n Go, or Pretzel Carts ONLY! 
(Please do not sign up for Bartenders, Wait Staff, Alcohol Awareness, or Barbacks.)

2.Only adults can work the Beer/Wine kiosks. Students can sign up to work Pretzel Carts and Pepsi Grab n Go.

3.When volunteering, Koka Booth requests that volunteers wear khaki pants or shorts. If possible, wear MCHS shirt or MCHS band shirt.

4.Volunteers check-in at Gate 5. You will be directed to your station.

**Please make a note that you are with MCHS Marching Band when signing up**

Mustang Classic Volunteering:

Our planning for the Mustang Classic starts in June of each school year. If you’re interested in helping, please contact mchsbandpresident@gmail.com